Category: entrevista

Interview Dr. Sónia Silva
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The “Lecture: Therapeutic targets – Where we are and where we are going”, led by Dr. Sónia Silva, focused on the present and future of therapeutic targets in the treatment of lung cancer. According to the pulmonologist, “there are currently…
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Interview Dr. Ulisses Brito
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The “Round Table: Advanced Stages” discussed the best therapeutic approaches for treating advanced stages of lung cancer. Dr. Ulisses Brito, moderator of the session, highlighted some of the advances recorded in recent years. “5/10 years ago, the average life expectancy…
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Interview Dr.ª Fátima Rodrigues
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Dr. Fátima Rodrigues was one of the moderators of the “Round Table: Quality of Life for Cancer Patients”, a panel that addressed the benefits of physical exercise for patients with lung cancer and the importance of sexual health in the…
Read MoreInterview Prof. Gabriela Fernandes
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Prof. Gabriela Fernandes, member of the GECP Board, was one of the moderators of the last session of the Congress, entitled “Round table: Screening, will we be able to do it?”. The pulmonologist gives a positive assessment of the discussion,…
Read MoreInterview Dr. Domingos Roda
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Dr. Domingos Roda, member of the Scientific Committee of the Lung Cancer Study Group (GECP), was one of the moderators of the Oral Communications presentations at the Congress. For the specialist, “communications are always very relevant because they reflect real…
Read MoreInterview en .ª Esmeralda Barreira
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Esmeralda Barreira, from IPO Porto, took a very positive balance of the Nursing Program of the 2nd Portuguese Congress of Lung cancer, 11th Congress of the Lung Cancer Study Group (GECP). As a moderator of the “table 1 – the…
Read MoreInterview Dr. Ana Rodrigues
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The lecture “Take care of us to be able to take care of”, conducted by Dr. Ana Rodrigues, a member of the GECP Scientific Committee, was one of the highlights of the event, and aimed to “reinforce the need for…
Read MoreInterview Dr. Salete Valente
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Dr. Salete Valente, pulmonologist at ULS Cova da Beira, was one of the moderators of the “Round Table: Toxicities in the new era of treatment”, a session where the challenges and solutions for dealing with toxicity associated with treatments were…
Read MoreInterview Prof. Jordi Rejection
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In the session entitled “Peri-Operative Therapeutics”, Prof. Oncology expert Jordi Remon, he shared his opinion on the use of tyrosine-Cecine inhibitors (ITC, in Portuguese; TKIS) in the peroperative context. According to the expert, “we do not have current data that…
Read MoreInterview Prof. SUESH SENAN
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At the “Round Table: Unpaid Surgical Stages”, Prof. SURESH SENAN explored the news in the combination of radiotherapy immunotherapy. In his presentation, entitled “Immunotherapy + Radiotherapy: What’s New,” highlighted two major studies in which these two therapies “can improve the…
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