Category: Campanha #EnfermeiroComOrgulho

Nurse Emília Rito | Campaign #EnfermeiroComOrgulho
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4/4 ? In the First Person with Emília Rito, Oncologist Nurse at the Champalimaud Foundation. On this day of Oncology Nursing, we share the last testimony of this campaign, which highlights the importance of regular scientific updating and training by…
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Nurse Diana Coimbra | Campaign #EnfermeiroComOrgulho
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3/4 ? In the First Person with Diana Coimbra, Nurse at the Pulmonology Oncology Day Hospital, at the Pulido Valente Hospital of CHULN. Another emotional testimony inserted in our tribute campaign to nurses dedicated to the monitoring of cancer patients….
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Nurse Almeida Almeida | Campaign #EnfermeiroComOrgulho
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2/4 ? In the First Person with Catarina Almeida, Nurse in Pulmonology at IPOLisboa. Watch this remarkable testimony and that intends to be interventional in the search for the due recognition of Oncological Nursing ? The #EnfermeiroComOrgulho Campaign is an…
Read MoreNurse Paula Silva | Campaign #EnfermeiroComOrgulho
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1/4 ? In the First Person with Paula Silva, Nurse at the Oncology Pulmonology Day Hospital of the Centro Hospitalar de Vila Nova de Gaia / Espinho. Watch this inspiring testimony that celebrates the role of Nursing in addressing patients…
Read MoreInternational Day of Nurses
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On this International Day of Nurses, we announce the campaign that starts today on the digital channels of the Lung Cancer Study Group (GECP), in partnership with the Portuguese Oncological Nursing Association (AEOP), and runs until May 18, date which…
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