Lung Cancer Study Group


The Lung Cancer Study Group (GECP) emerged in 2000 as a result of a widespread need to join up efforts in promoting knowledge in Pulmonary Oncology.

We seek to grow in a multidisciplinary way, bringing together pneumologists, oncologists, thoracic surgeons, radioncologists, imaging specialists, pathologists and molecular biologists.

We are a large family focused on the well-being of our patient. We maintain a close relationship with other scientific groups or societies, universities and civil society organizations.

In these 20 years we have carried out several multicentric and multidisciplinary clinical studies, we have held two annual meetings and a congress every two years, we have collaborated in the development of clinical guidelines, and created and distributed information to our patients. We have also created and maintained a periodic journal exclusively dedicated to pulmonary oncology. We created and have now renewed our website, seeking to share and give visibility to the work that we carry out every day in Portugal within the scope of this pathology.

You can count on us! We are counting on each of you.


Promote and dignify the exercise of Pulmonary Oncology and improve the quality of health services provided to patients.

Develop, coordinate and stimulate clinical research in this area.

Advise and support patients with thoracic cancer disease.

Carry out and cooperate in the training of all those dedicated to the study, diagnosis and treatment of patients with lung cancer.