Lung Cancer Study Group

N E W S – F I L E   

10th Pulmonary Immuno-Oncology Meeting

10th Pulmonary Immuno-Oncology Meeting

On January 18th, at the Convento de São Francisco, in Coimbra, the 10th Lung Immuno-Oncology Meeting will be held, with the scientific sponsorship of the Lung Cancer Study Group (GECP). Registration is free, but mandatory. Check out the program and…

7th edition of Lung Cancer Bricks

7th edition of Lung Cancer Bricks

The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto, in collaboration with ULS São João and IPATIMUP/i3S, will organize the 7th edition of Lung Cancer Bricks, an innovative advanced, scientific and clinical training program in the area of ​​Lung Cancer…

Interview en .ª Esmeralda Barreira

Interview en .ª Esmeralda Barreira

Esmeralda Barreira, from IPO Porto, took a very positive balance of the Nursing Program of the 2nd Portuguese Congress of Lung cancer, 11th Congress of the Lung Cancer Study Group (GECP). As a moderator of the “table 1 – the…

Interview Dr. Ana Rodrigues

Interview Dr. Ana Rodrigues

The lecture “Take care of us to be able to take care of”, conducted by Dr. Ana Rodrigues, a member of the GECP Scientific Committee, was one of the highlights of the event, and aimed to “reinforce the need for…

New edition of Thorac magazine

New edition of Thorac magazine

It is with great satisfaction that we announce the launch of the 2nd number of Thorac magazine. This new edition is now available on the Lung Cancer Study Group (GECP) website and continues to gather indispensable content for all those…

Interview Dr. Salete Valente

Interview Dr. Salete Valente

Dr. Salete Valente, pulmonologist at ULS Cova da Beira, was one of the moderators of the “Round Table: Toxicities in the new era of treatment”, a session where the challenges and solutions for dealing with toxicity associated with treatments were…

Interview Prof. Jordi Rejection

Interview Prof. Jordi Rejection

In the session entitled “Peri-Operative Therapeutics”, Prof. Oncology expert Jordi Remon, he shared his opinion on the use of tyrosine-Cecine inhibitors (ITC, in Portuguese; TKIS) in the peroperative context. According to the expert, “we do not have current data that…

Interview Prof. SUESH SENAN

Interview Prof. SUESH SENAN

At the “Round Table: Unpaid Surgical Stages”, Prof. SURESH SENAN explored the news in the combination of radiotherapy immunotherapy. In his presentation, entitled “Immunotherapy + Radiotherapy: What’s New,” highlighted two major studies in which these two therapies “can improve the…

Interview Dr. Susana Guimarães

Interview Dr. Susana Guimarães

Dr. Susana Guimarães, member of the Scientific Committee of the Lung Cancer Study Group (GECP), was one of the moderators of the presentations of the oral communications of Congress. The expert begins by praising the relevance of oral communications, noting…

Interview Prof. Rami Door

Interview Prof. Rami Door

The “round table: news in the lung cancer staging”, had the international perspective of Prof. Rami Porta, whose presentation focused on the “challenges of the 9th TNM edition”. The expert explains that the “main changes occurred in component N, which…

Interview Prof. Maria do Carmo Fonseca

Interview Prof. Maria do Carmo Fonseca

Prof. Maria do Carmo Fonseca was the speaker of the “Lecture: Molecular Pathology: State of Art and Future”, a session that addressed the way molecular pathology has transformed the diagnosis and treatment of disease. “In the last 20 years we…

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