Article 1 - General Considerations
O GECP atribui um Prémio, à melhor Comunicação Oral apresentada durante o Congresso Bianual do GECP.
Article 2 - Amount
1. The value of the Prize is € 1,000.00 (one thousand euros).
2. The GECP Prize can be awarded ex-aequo to two or more of the competing works.
3. If the GECP Prize is not awarded, the GECP will decide on the destination of the respective importance.
Article 3 - Scope of the Award and Eligibility of Applications
São concorrentes ao Prémio GECP todos os trabalhos apresentados na forma de comunicação oral, no âmbito do Congresso bianual do GECP, salvo manifestação em contrário dos autores.
Article 4 - Jury
1. The Jury consists of two members of the board and three members of the scientific committee of the GECP, appointed by the board.
2. It is for each Jury setting the form of operation, subject to compliance with the provisions of this Regulation..
3. The Jury is autonomous in its deliberations, and the attribution of the GECP prize will be made unanimously or by a simple majority and recorded in the minutes.
4. The Jury's decisions are final and there is no appeal.
Article 5 - Prize delivery
The GECP Award will be delivered on the last day of the GECP Congress
Article 6 - Final Provisions and Applicable Tax Regime (exemption from IRS)
1. Difficult cases will be decided by the GECP.
2. The specific conditions of the GECP Prize allow the applicability of the exemption provided for in no. 2 of article 12 of the CIRS, for the purposes of taxation at the IRS, therefore the present Prize is exempt from IRS.