Lung Cancer Study Group


National or international scientific meetings in the area of Oncology and Pulmonology, which include Congresses, Symposiums, Meetings and Courses, organized by the GECP or by a group composed mostly of Doctors of recognized merit, are eligible for scientific sponsorship by the GECP.

For sponsorship attribution, the main purpose of the meeting should be the advance in knowledge and the exchange of experiences and information between health professionals.

For sponsorship attribution, the main purpose of the meeting should be the advance in knowledge and the exchange of experiences and information between health professionals.

Scientific meetings linked to a pharmaceutical or medical equipment company, namely for the selective promotion of a drug or equipment, are not eligible for attribution of scientific sponsorship by the GECP.


Rules for requesting scientific sponsorship


1. O pedido será enviado à Direção do GECP (gecpulmao@gmail.com).

2. The following information concerning the meeting must be included:

a) Title

b) Date and location

c) Organizing entity

d) Organizing committee and / or Scientific Committee (names and respective affiliations)

e) Objectives and target audience of the event

f) Detailed scientific programe (with information concerning speakers and moderators)

g) Information on other scientific sponsorships already obtained


3. The application will not be evaluated if any of the above information is not provided. The applicant is informed in writing, and a new application can be considered after submitting the missing information.


Attribution of scientific sponsorship


1. The decision on the attribution of the sponsorship will be communicated in writing by the GECP, within a maximum period of 30 days after receiving the request;

2. After communicating the attribution of the scientific sponsorship, the organizer of the meeting is authorized to advertise it in the meeting documents, in one of the following ways:

a) “Co-organized by the Lung Cancer Study Group” (GECP is a partner in organizing the event and shares responsibility with the other co-organizer)

b) “Scientific Sponsorship of the Lung Cancer Study Group” (GECP grants scientific sponsorship and promotes its dissemination; these events are not financially supported by GECP);

3. GECP provides its logo for exclusive use in the event materials;

4. The GECP logo must be placed in the Scientific Sponsorship area;

5. The final programme, with mention of the sponsorship granted, must be sent to GECP for publication on the GECP website.

6. A significant change in the scientific programme after the granting of scientific sponsorship by the GECP, may result in its cancellation;

7. The sponsorship awarded is valid only for the event in question, with no effect for subsequent editions of the event, even if with similar content. The misuse of the GECP name or logo is subject to legal action;

8. All omitted cases will be subject to evaluation and decision by the GECP Board of Directors.

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