Interview Dr. Domingos Roda
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Dr. Domingos Roda, member of the Scientific Committee of the Lung Cancer Study Group (GECP), was one of the moderators of the Oral Communications presentations at the Congress.
For the specialist, “communications are always very relevant because they reflect real clinical life”. He adds that these are “studies with practical applications and are important as they allow us to see how patients are selected, how their selection is integrated with drugs, and with survival potential, and how toxicities are managed”.
The radionologist highlighted the clinical case entitled “Prophylactic Brain Irradiation in Small Cell Carcinoma: Experience from a Tertiary Hospital”, as it was a “controversial topic”. He adds that “there are centers with several studies that still have many biases that cancel each other out, so it is difficult in clinical practice to make an objective decision.”
Watch the video by Dr. Domingos Roda.