World No Tobacco Day – SIC news
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In the aftermath of World No Tobacco Day, we recall the participation of Dr Ana Figueiredo, member of the Board of the Lung Cancer Study Group (GECP) in the morning of SIC Notícias.
Smoking cessation consultations were the first topic addressed in this interview. “This type of consultation has always had a waiting list, however, the pandemic has further increased this delay, especially since these are consultations that must be done in person”, comments the pulmonologist. Still on this subject, Dr Ana Figueiredo explains that “the key to quitting smoking is the motivation of the smoker, but it is important that he has support because smoking is a disease and, as such, requires monitoring, and therefore It is therefore necessary that there be a reinforcement of these consultations, especially at the level of primary health care”.
About the motto of the GECP campaign for this World No Tobacco Day, “One less cigarette is one more day”, the specialist says that “it is a way of alerting the population, saying that quitting smoking is something that is important, being the step that any smoker can take and that has the greatest impact for the rest of his life.In addition to lung cancer, tobacco also causes cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, among many others and, today it is known that, stopping smoking smoking has an immediate impact on the body”, he concludes.
Listen to Dr. Ana Figueiredo’s comments in full when watching the video.