World Cancer day
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The 4th of February marks World Cancer Day, a date of extreme importance for raising awareness of the prevention, detection and treatment of what is one of the greatest current challenges in Medicine.
The Lung Cancer Study Group (GECP) takes advantage of this date to deconstruct 4 preconceived ideas that are often associated with lung cancer.
– There is no way to reduce the risk of developing lung cancer
– Lung cancer never gives symptoms
– I am afraid and ashamed to admit that I have lung cancer
– Nothing can be done to fight lung cancer
In this first video, the message we want to convey is that not everything is beyond our reach. There are certain behaviors that can reduce the likelihood of getting lung cancer, it just depends on each of us putting them into practice.
Thinking that lung cancer never gives any symptoms and ignoring any signs that our body may give is a misconception.
It is true that lung cancer can grow silently, but it is also true that all of us must adopt a preventive attitude and take risk factors into account. For example, smokers and ex-smokers should be particularly attentive to their health and undergo regular check-ups in order to enable the identification of injuries at an early stage and, therefore, with better possibilities of cure.
If you still have doubts about the symptoms of lung cancer, watch our video.
O diagnóstico de câncer de pulmão tem um grande impacto na vida dos doentes. Medo, ansiedade, vergonha e dúvidas sobre o que irá acontecer a partir daquele momento podem levar a que muitas pessoas se isolem. No entanto, o isolamento não é a solução.
Médicos, familiares e amigos assumem um papel preponderante na forma como o doente enfrenta uma doença que se pode materializar de inúmeras formas. Conversar, estar disponível para fazer certas tarefas, participar em momentos de lazer ou simplesmente ouvir são apenas algumas formas de ajudar os doentes a combater o isolamento e a manterem-se positivos.
If you think that there is nothing you can do when faced with a diagnosis of lung cancer, then we invite you to watch this video. Having lung cancer is not synonymous with “throwing in the towel” and, currently, there are already many options available for the treatment of this disease.