Lung Cancer Study Group

Critérios de publicação

Submission Preparation Checklist OFF GECP JOURNAL

"Revista do GECP" accepts for publication works (original articles, reviews, updating updates, clinical cases, letters to the editor, critical comments on scientific articles, etc.) directly or indirectly related to thoracic tumors.

The opinions expressed are the sole responsibility of the authors.

The GECP Magazine is freely accessible. All articles are available, free of charge, at gecp.pt.

The acceptance of the originals sent for publication is conditioned to the evaluation by the Scientific Council of the Journal. In this evaluation the articles may be:

a) accepted without changes;

b) accepted after the changes proposed to the authors by the Scientific Council;

c) refused.

Papers already published or sent simultaneously to other Journals will not be accepted.

Final note - For a more complete explanation on this subject, it is advisable to read the Publication Standards of Acta Médica Portuguesa, 2013 available at www.actamedicaportuguesa.com and the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals accessible at ICMJE.org.

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