Category: vídeo
Interview Prof. Jordi Rejection
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In the session entitled “Peri-Operative Therapeutics”, Prof. Oncology expert Jordi Remon, he shared his opinion on the use of tyrosine-Cecine inhibitors (ITC, in Portuguese; TKIS) in the peroperative context. According to the expert, “we do not have current data that…
Read MoreInterview Prof. SUESH SENAN
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At the “Round Table: Unpaid Surgical Stages”, Prof. SURESH SENAN explored the news in the combination of radiotherapy immunotherapy. In his presentation, entitled “Immunotherapy + Radiotherapy: What’s New,” highlighted two major studies in which these two therapies “can improve the…
Read MoreInterview Dr. Susana Guimarães
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Dr. Susana Guimarães, member of the Scientific Committee of the Lung Cancer Study Group (GECP), was one of the moderators of the presentations of the oral communications of Congress. The expert begins by praising the relevance of oral communications, noting…
Read MoreInterview Prof. Rami Door
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The “round table: news in the lung cancer staging”, had the international perspective of Prof. Rami Porta, whose presentation focused on the “challenges of the 9th TNM edition”. The expert explains that the “main changes occurred in component N, which…
Read MoreInterview Prof. Maria do Carmo Fonseca
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Prof. Maria do Carmo Fonseca was the speaker of the “Lecture: Molecular Pathology: State of Art and Future”, a session that addressed the way molecular pathology has transformed the diagnosis and treatment of disease. “In the last 20 years we…
Read MoreInterview Dr. Cristina Oliveira
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Dr. Cristina Oliveira led the “Lecture: Patient Reported Outcomes”, a session that explored the importance of providing more personalized care to patients with lung cancer. Patient Reported Outcomes (Prom’s) are a complement to clinical activity that help health professionals understand…
Read MoreInterview Prof. Vicent Bourbonne
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Prof. Vincent Bourbonne was one of the speakers of the “Round Table: Artificial Intelligence”, where he presented the theme “Application on RadiCology”. About his intervention, the radiocologist commented that “Artificial Intelligence is present in virtually all domains and that, within…
Read MoreBest of 2nd Portuguese Congress of Lung Cancer
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The best of the 2nd Portuguese Congress of Lung Cancer, 11th GECP Congress is now available. The event, held last October, brought together experts, researchers and health professionals from all over the country, and beyond borders, to share knowledge and…
Read MoreDr. Ana Barroso, Morning Edition, SIC
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On World Lung Cancer Day, the SIC reporting team went to ULS Gaia/Espinho to talk to Dr. Ana Barroso, member of the Board of Directors of the Lung Cancer Study Group (GECP) and coordinator of the Multidisciplinary Unit of Thoracic…
Read MoreDr. Rita Rosa, Now Notícias, Now Canal
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The Now Notícias channel also marked World Lung Cancer Day, having interviewed Dr. Rita Rosa, pulmonologist at the Lisbon IPO. Remember the conversation with the specialist when watching the video.
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