Registration for the Lung Cancer Study Group (GECP) Spring Meeting is officially open. Take part in this meeting that brings together experts, professionals and researchers dedicated to advancing the diagnosis, treatment and research of lung cancer. Don’t miss out and…
From February 19 to 21, the Perspectives in Oncology congress will be held at the Sheraton Porto Hotel, one of the most important Oncology meetings in Portugal, especially in the north of the country. The event is scientifically sponsored by…
The 20th edition of the IPO Lisbon Bronchology Course will be held between February 12th and 14th. This training is aimed at pulmonologists and interns in the specialty, preferably those who have already completed an internship in Bronchology. The course…
The “Lecture: Therapeutic targets – Where we are and where we are going”, led by Dr. Sónia Silva, focused on the present and future of therapeutic targets in the treatment of lung cancer. According to the pulmonologist, “there are currently…
The “Round Table: Advanced Stages” discussed the best therapeutic approaches for treating advanced stages of lung cancer. Dr. Ulisses Brito, moderator of the session, highlighted some of the advances recorded in recent years. “5/10 years ago, the average life expectancy…
Dr. Fátima Rodrigues was one of the moderators of the “Round Table: Quality of Life for Cancer Patients”, a panel that addressed the benefits of physical exercise for patients with lung cancer and the importance of sexual health in the…
Prof. Gabriela Fernandes, member of the GECP Board, was one of the moderators of the last session of the Congress, entitled “Round table: Screening, will we be able to do it?”. The pulmonologist gives a positive assessment of the discussion,…
Dr. Domingos Roda, member of the Scientific Committee of the Lung Cancer Study Group (GECP), was one of the moderators of the Oral Communications presentations at the Congress. For the specialist, “communications are always very relevant because they reflect real…
On January 18th, at the Convento de São Francisco, in Coimbra, the 10th Lung Immuno-Oncology Meeting will be held, with the scientific sponsorship of the Lung Cancer Study Group (GECP). Registration is free, but mandatory. Check out the program and…